food waste

A study in Nature Food suggests that meat production accounts for roughly 60% of GHG generated by food agriculture.
Cucumbers come in a variety of types. The most popular, the English Cucumber, which is not English at all, is a hybrid developed in the last century or so to have very tiny seeds and skin.
Let’s begin with a fish tale combining a concern about our wasted food and how an entrepreneurial spirit harnessed it.
As a writer debunking and explaining contemporary science and health issues, I am always looking for a conversational edge.
Food waste occurs everywhere along the food chain from farm to table, and some estimates suggest that a quarter of the planet could be fed a substantial diet just from food waste.
The ability to provide enough nutritious food for ourselves, rests upon three pillars, sustainable agriculture, providing nutritious meals and reducing food loss and waste.
The thoroughly debunked myth that the world is overpopulated is still pervasive. A corollary to that myth is the belief that, as the population continues growing, we will not be able to provide enough food for everybody.
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