patient privacy

From hospital inpatient “wealth screenings” for potential donors to digital geofencing cell phones in emergency rooms, the erosion of patient privacy is a prominent reality.
Imagine you are unexpectedly admitted to the hospital for an urgent medical condition -not something for which there is an alternate option.
Piggybacking on du jour terminology like “social determinants of health” don’t make privacy erosions by insurance carriers more legitimate or less fraught with ethical conundrums.
While our culture is preoccupied with violations of consumer data privacy yielding targeted marketing for shoes, travel or food preferences, law and advertising firms are leading a more nefarious erosive charge on patient privacy.
Protected personal health information has traditionally been exempt from privacy concerns, given the unique nature of its scope and regulation, until the advent of direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing, forced implementation of electronic medic
CNN's Jake Tapper revealed the following about former Governor Mitt Romney:
Matt Lauer’s ousting at NBC, due to reports of a sexual harassment scandal, is consuming the internet and media outlets. As such, old clips and stories are resurfacing and being conveyed with an ever suspicious lens.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals recently reversed a 2014 U.S.
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