Other Science News

Put aside the concept of international governance, what does science say about the complex system we call Earth A fish tale of adaptation, immigration, and relationship all in a steelhead trout How to win an argument Let’s talk about guns
Searching for a better way to explain health and science. Parasites, friend or foe? Does reading a newspaper make us better informed?
Being friended doesn’t make you friends. How do we face death? Do we think in words or images? Should we let the “leaning tower” fall?
The pressure for medical treatment for COVID generated lots and lots of studies. Some good, some awful, few peer-reviewed before being widely and wildly disseminated. A new study looks at how we might separate the good from the bad and ugly.
Academic collaborators with industry? Lawyers and Courts practicing medicine? How to find a good doctor. A hilarious take on TV’s medical ads.
A non-profit seeks to disrupt the way we finance scientific research Before it was the Big Apple, it was the Big Oyster Eating monkey brains, what could go wrong? There is no such thing as junk food.
There is no doubt that remote care, virtual care, has come into its own during the pandemic. It seems equally clear that it is not going away but will find a niche in our healthcare landscape. Big businesses, especially private equity investors, see this shift in the landscape as an opportunity and are being led to the promised land of a large return on investments by consultants. What are those “thought-leaders” telling those investors will be the future? Does the term “smoke and mirrors” ring any bells?
Ocean? Pool? Ocean? Pool? Perhaps this will help you decide.
If you read only one thing this week please consider the hypocrisy over the ban on mentholated cigarettes. We are made of stardust, and our energy within might mean we are made of music. Once upon a time, Barnes and Noble was a predator; nowadays, has it become a benefactor? The Scream, not the picture, but the sound?
Over the past few months more healthcare articles have featured a new (at least for me) statistical methodology: mediation analysis. It doesn’t prove causality, but it can assign a value to the impact of a variable on an outcome. More usefully, it can help suggest what factors we can leverage using public health measures, regulation, or legislation.
The President just canceled the educational debt of 350,000 disabled students, a minuscule $7 billion of the $1.7 trillion in student debt. Who is leading the push here, the politicians or the public? The Brookings Institute offers up some answers.
AI and healthcare, murder or malpractice, call centers, and should we get rid of scientific journals?