Other Science News

Chickens and other poultry are colorful and delightful additions to any backyard. Their antics are amusing; they readily interact with their human caretakers and lay edible ovals called eggs. But backyard poultry flocks, raised lovingly by urban and suburban hobbyists, have been recently cited as the cause of several pathogenic outbreaks by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Gender pay disparity, Postum replaced by Atomo, praying – I have an app for that, the loss of scientists from immigration.
The built environment can heat and cool us, human error, debunking the latke, and who is really anti-nuclear power?
Puritans – not in a good way, nightsoil, wellness, and a tasty side-dish of my own authoring.
Risk, the carbon footprint of eating local, Happy Birthday Betty Crocker, and an employee review.
Finding patience, Gaia?, and moral molecules – building blocks of morality.
Up until last week, CO2 levels have been the concern; now methane is in the mix. But what can we say about CO2 before adding to our worries? An article from The Conversation provides some infographics.
A confession, climate change, how to read a book, and it is truly Autumn in New York
To paraphrase a well-known phrase about government intervention, can there be any words more feared than these: “I’m from Amazon, and I’m here to help.” After a failed endeavor – in conjunction with JPMorgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway, known as Haven – Amazon is moving into healthcare on its own. What might that mean for physicians and patients?
Pig pandemic, beef monopoly, agrivoltaics?, and deep listening.
The logistics of returns, Disney, and nuclear power – “Our Friend, the Atom,” and the fine immunologic line that is pregnancy.
This article is written by Dr. Peter Attia [1]. It is helpful to understand the study of health, especially in the time of COVID. Summarizing it does not do it justice - so we are reprinting it from his website, with their permission.