Policy & Ethics

The Center for Science in the Public Interest wants to ban food coloring. Seeing Red, is a slick marketing of ideas blending health studies with some misdirection promoting an agenda to “revoke approval for all food dyes.”
In response to soaring opioid addiction and deaths, the U.S. is cracking down hard on the prescription of these painkillers. Aric Hausknecht, M.D., a neurologist and pain management specialist, speaks about pain control at a time when opioids, and the people who depend upon them, are being ostracized. 
With a Prop 65 warning on glyphosate, environmentalists outmaneuvered the science community once again.
The Campaign for Accountability accuses Google-funded researchers of undisclosed conflicts of interest. Of course, without disclosing its own.
Can we trust Bloomberg on science when their journalists are copying and pasting industry talking points from Organic Consumers Association?
An international team of medical experts recently published a global call to action in an effort to curb the unethical, unsubstantiated use of stem-cell based therapies driving medical tourism. When greed trumps science, we all lose. 
An abundance of caution; we have all heard the phrase. And in what situations does that apply? For the most part, situations where there's a remote chance of a catastrophic outcome that puts its thumb on the scale.
When is it safe to stop vaccinating against measles? Or against other rare and infectious diseases? In short, vaccinating against them can cease once the threat of future transmission is deemed sufficiently low.
The real world implications of electronic medical records extend beyond the conceptual panacea, for better or worse. And then there's a rarely-addressed adverse effect. Let's take a look.
Over time, wealth makes people desire a clean environment. That’s why environmentalists, if they are to be successful, must be pro-human at heart.
It's one thing to read countless stories about pain patients being subjected to indescribable suffering, thanks to a thoroughly misguided, foolish CDC attempt to "address" the opioid overdose epidemic. It's quite another to actually speak with one of them, whose story is haunting and profoundly upsetting. 
Recognizing the highly integrated nature of patient sharing between institutions, the Centers for Disease Control rightly aims to make a dent in healthcare-associated infection deaths by using a regional, nuanced approach. Thank you.