Policy & Ethics

For a continent that (bizarrely) prides itself on turning away from religion, Europe has ironically replaced it with all manner of postmodern nonsense and pseudoscience. Welcome to the New Dark Age.
When it comes to USDA rules changes related to approval of genetically-engineered products, the Trump administration is honoring its commitment to using evidence-based thinking about agricultural policy.
Few chemicals evoke more of a visceral response than glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup. According to activists the herbicide causes cancer. A 2015 IARC monograph agreed, calling it ''probably carcinogenic to humans." But it did so without considering a key, conflicting study. Stranger still, the exonerating evidence came from the chairperson. What's going on?
If we want the Environmental Protection Agency to protect Americans from true health hazards, it needs to be reformed so it stops inventing health scares.
Regardless of people's views on capital punishment, it's unlikely that many would approve of chemically torturing prisoners to death. But because European drug companies now refuse to sell U.S. prisons drugs that can be used for lethal injections, some have tried using untested alternatives for executions. The results have been horrific. The reason? Pharmacological ignorance. 
Energy emissions are in the news, but some claims are just more politicization of science. To paraphrase Virgil, Americans should beware environmental Greeks bearing expensive gifts.
It's no exaggeration that the World Health Organization has helped saved hundreds of millions of lives. As such, something like a halo surrounds whatever it chooses to do. That said, the Washington Post reports that the WHO spent more on travel than on fighting AIDS, hepatitis, malaria, and tuberculosis – combined. Were these smart choices?
Can someone please explain the logic here? Does this make any sense at all?
Regarding the issue that, “patients have long been aware that many unseen dollars drive medical decisions and events,” the sunshine of disclosure has been recommended as the cure. But does it work? 
Medical bills are tough to understand, making the transparency of prices an impossible dream for nearly every patient. To give the consumer a better sense of what's behind these bizarre billing practices, here's a common-sense guide.
If your only source for news comes from the idiots at Mother Jones or Sourcewatch, you probably don't know much about the real American Council on Science and Health. In that case, you believe their manufactured claims – that we are some kind of sinister group organization – and not that we want to give readers useful information.
When the House of Representatives says it will "defund" Planned Parenthood, it sounds simple. But it's not – because lawmakers will have to enact new rules about who gets paid via Title X and Medicaid. That would mean that many women (and some men, too) wouldn't have access to a wide variety of both contraceptive, and general, health care.