
As a physician, I have long advocated that healthcare workers, in particular, be vaccinated to reduce the risk of transmission to our patients
The study, which so captured media attention, begins with a call to continue the work of Ponce de Leon in finding the Fountain of Youth.
Let’s get the caveats out of the way. The data is from Chinese patients early in the pandemic, January to May 2020. China is not known to be forthcoming with data, and there is great suspicion regarding the numbers they do release.
“We should stop training radiologists now. It’s just completely obvious that within five years, deep learning is going to do better than radiologists.”
In a survey, most patients drive to their doctor’s office for routine care, spending 17 minutes en route.
Join host Cameron English as he sits down Dr. Chuck Dinerstein to break down these stories on episode 29 of the Science Dispatch podcast:
Yes, the nose is often the first point of initial contact with the microbial world. That was certainly the lesson of COVID and helped to explain all those nasal swabbings.
A recent study in JAMA Network Open sough
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