
The study involved three prospective cohorts, the Nurses’ Health study, I and II, and the Health Professionals Follow-up study, all containing genomic data and the relevant demographic and clinical information.
“Prediabetes is a constellation of metabolic measures that prior research has shown to proceed the onset of diabetes.”  
Progress has been defined by reductions in daily rates that tend to fluctuate widely among locations.
Remember the early days of Covid when experts were excitedly talking about herd immunity (HI) and how things would get back to normal when this was reached? How long has it been since the term was used? The answer is five days.
Let’s talk about the business of retail medicine; by that, I mean the care and costs of seeing your doctor.
1211 participants underwent “clean” (a CDC definition of infectious nature of the surgery) orthopedic surgery, were given appropriate antibiotics within an hour of beginning surgery, and repeated every 3 to 4 hours during surgery.
The long view This winter, we experienced new highs in cases but not in deaths, similarly, across all regions. [1] 
“I have not hitherto met with the record of any similar affection; and partly with a view of calling the attention of those practitioners who reside in the vicinity of the great coal mines, and who may have charge of the
Most health outcomes studies have a laundry list of covariates, e.g., age, gender, co-morbidities, and socioeconomic factors, all statistically adjusted to provide outcomes. But are all those co-variants equal?
Let me say this right at the start; the study involves a food questionnaire given many years ago at the beginning of the research. The sampling of the blood’s inflammatory markers was at the same time as the food survey.
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