
Before we get started, no – the German man who was recently arrested for selling phony vaccination cards – does not have multiple heads. That's just a lousy metaphor and shameless clickbait.
Full disclosure: I am not an impartial observer of this disease; I have suffered with it for the last 16 years, so I have great empathy for Jade Pickett Smith.
“This is no time to stop tracking COVID-19.
The answer is in the soil: a ubiquitous, spore-forming bacteria called Bacillus anthracis. B.
Let’s begin with the data. Infection or Severe Illness
It is difficult to detect the tiny amounts of plastic lurking within our bodies.
    The study is relatively straightforward. The researchers looked at the PCR positive cases before Delta, October 15 to December 22, 2020, and during Delta, June 27 to August 21, 2021
From an evolutionary point of view, we live on a planet with an established pattern of light and dark, so it is not a giant leap to consider that synchronizing our body’s physiology to match that pattern has some advantages.
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