
If you were to ask people who have been to a dermatologist what those medical specialists do, many would probably say something like, “they give you cream for an itchy rash or acne,” or “freeze spots on your skin to remove them.” But the diagnosis
The historical vaccination for smallpox, caused by variola, was inoculation with cowpox, vaccinia – two microbes that were similar but not the same. [1] 
"A randomized-trial of community-level mask promotion in rural Bangladesh during COVID-19 shows that the intervention tripled mask usage and reduced symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections, demonstrating that promoting community mask-weari
The Agent. The assumption behind this paper is the equivalence of wildfire “smoke” and PM2.5, as monitored and regulated by the EPA.
Aerosols or Droplets “Aerosols are microscopic liquid, solid, or semisolid particles that are so small that they remain suspended in the air.”
    Methods and Data. We assembled multiple datasets.
In large part, those willing to wear masks and those not are entrenched in their beliefs; probably the same for those on either side of the vaccination and social distancing debates.
Scientists have developed multiple techniques to measure our energy expenditure and assign portions to our metabolism, our body's maintenance, and the energy necessary to go from the couch to the refrigerator and back.
No One Is Safe Until Everyone Is Safe
To mask or not, employer mandates, worker pushback, and the changing landscape of dining in and out. The tradeoff is between risk and your sense of safety.
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