
This will mark the fourth article in a little over a week on ivermectin on our website, and we are not alone.
Dr. Dan Stein recently presented a dataset representing an ongoing meta-analysis of patients' responses with COVID-19 to ivermectin.
Why can’t a drug approved and used in humans for 35 years, with excellent safety margins, and 3.7 billion doses administered worldwide, and with almost uniformly demonstrated benefit in all stages of COVID-19 infection, get a decent day in court?&
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred a new level of interest in lung health.
The study of genetics has always been an attempt to understand our biologically determined fate. Many of us know of families with a predisposition to maladies like heart disease or breast cancer.
Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins, along with A, E, and K.
The basic COVID-19 disease metrics are cases (positive tests, interpreted as infections) and deaths (death certificates). The headlines on cable news are usually national totals: 30+ million cases and 560,000+ deaths.
Ringing in the ears, aka tinnitus, already extremely common, is now being linked to COVID.
Shortly after SARS-COV-2 began its global rampage last spring, the anti-vaccine movement tried to capitalize on the crisis.
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