
Parkinson’s disease can be very visible; one need only think of Mohammed Ali or Michael J Fox. But in terms of commanding our medical and economic attention is seems to be more of an orphan disease.
Cholesterol levels in the blood are widely acknowledged indicators of heart disease risk.
In its latest weekly report, the CDC details the case of a woman from Arizona who died from tularemia, a rare disease that she acquired from her dog.
Cancer cells are smart.  Very smart.
We all have this image of mosquitoes as incredibly thirsty little blood-suckers. And we're not far from wrong — at least when it comes to the females of the species (they need blood to help them reproduce).
Cancer is most easily "cured" when it's caught early. That's the rationale behind Pap tests for cervical cancer, PSA tests for prostate cancer, and mammograms for breast cancer.
Coupla questions... What is the difference between the pennies below? And why does the penny on the left look like an albino? Hint: It has to do with the historical significance of the year in which it was minted.
Babies and young children with middle ear infections (acute otitis media or AOM) can be the bane of parents’ existence, leading to sleepless nights and frustration when a child is suffering.
Microbiologist Stanley Falkow is credited with saying, "The goal of every bacterium is to become bacteria." Similarly, the goal of every pathogen is to infect a new host.
A study last week hit the news hard, like a linebacker, on the topic of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) and football.
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