Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

More than 42,000 people died in 2016 from an opioid overdose. Forty percent of these deaths involved a prescription opioid.
Blaming your parents for your woes is both trite and whiny. No one wants to hear it.
The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 13,000 cervical cancers will be diagnosed in 2018. Of those, more than 3,000 women will die. 
Would our deceased Presidents fare better today medically than they did in their respective eras? The answer might surprise you.
With the weaponizing of presidential health taking center stage throughout the election and beyond, culminating in the most transparent press conference ever regarding the subject (see
The flu is the lead story on the evening news and on the front page of newspapers.
How can you not hate the term "Nanny State?" It's *so* overused and trite. Even the people who want one probably prefer to call it something else. But, in this case, I can't come up with a better alternative.
If you ever need a reminder about how difficult it is to discover new drugs or vaccines, here it is.
Before beginning my story, let’s review a little bit about influenza vaccines.
Two decades ago Africa was considered to be a lost cause. The continent was being decimated by AIDS (as well as "normal" fatal infections like malaria) and there seemed to be no way to slow, let alone stop this new, unprecedented epidemic.
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