Food & Nutrition

In Personalizing Nutrition - Automating The Science of Metabolomics I defined a therapeutic diet as a diet personalized to an individu
“The woman who once marched up to the French chef Jean-Louis Paladin and told him a dish didn’t have enough salt can no l
There are many reasons not to take dietary supplements, just take a look at some of the stuff we've written in the past.  But to jog your memory, here are five reasons not to start taking dietary supplements, or multivitamins. 
OK, so you're not really going to hook up an intravenous (IV) line to an orange to get your infusion of vitamin C — but the picture is worth a thousand words for sure.
Imagine going to the doctor's office. Noticeably absent are any modern tools -- laptops, DNA tests, X-ray scanners. He likes to do things the old-fashioned way. Medicine was better 100 years ago.
We've described research indicating that the cholesterol content of egg yolks shouldn't prevent most people from gaining the nutritional benefits that eggs can provide (see here, for
Apparently, you can make any claim with an Asterisk (*), so long as the asterisk clarifies that your claim isn't true. In one of Dr.
When it comes to cooking, olive oil takes the cake for nutrition, flavor, and healthy fats. So it makes sense that someone would find a reason to hate it; it's the anti-science way, after all!
Some new controversy has been cooked up recently about eggs - which is a bit hard to unscramble (ok, ok - that's enough.) 
A group called "World Action on Science and Health" (WASH) has declared March 20-26 as "Salt Awareness Week;" their goal being to encourage people all over the world to cut back on their salt consumption.