Food & Nutrition

Why on earth are millennials drinking collagen? That's easy: because celebrities are doing it.. DUH. Perhaps a little lesson in science is in order.
Foods are labeled with a lot of information to help consumers make the best choices based on nutritional content — see example below.
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, Krispy Kreme is covering their doughnuts in green glaze. That's right - they are making green doughnuts.  
Tom Brady is one of the best (or the best) quarterbacks to ever play the game. On top of that, he is rich and hot and married to Gisele Bündchen, who is richer and hotter. 
If you'd  like to play Russian roulette, but don't have a loaded gun handy, you could also try drinking raw milk.
Gluten-free is one of the latest food fads to take America by storm — but does everyone who espouses a gluten-free diet really need one?
What do you say when a pretty wacky idea is ostensibly promoted by a well-respected scientist? Well, you (politely) have to say that the idea is rather wacky.
It's that time of the year when the Environmental Working Group produces its "Dirty Dozen List" - foods they believe you should fear the most.
Sure, we all know that it's important to be physically active to help achieve and maintain a healthy body weight and perhaps diminish the risk of heart disease, some cancers and overall mortality. But how much is enough?
Here we go again: From Yahoo: Bacon, soda & too few nuts tied to big portion of US deaths