Knocks on Wood

By ACSH Staff — May 27, 2010
CBS News reported yesterday morning that plastic and wooden pallets used for transporting food are deemed unsanitary and implicated in the contamination of food by the E. coli and Listeria bacteria.

CBS News reported yesterday morning that plastic and wooden pallets used for transporting food are deemed unsanitary and implicated in the contamination of food by the E. coli and Listeria bacteria.

This is ironic, says ACSH's Jeff Stier, after watching the CBS News video. The anti-plastics activists make a living scaring us about hypothetical -- as opposed to real -- risks. So here we've got what appears to be a small, but real risk, and they say it is nothing to worry about. (Even though the report seemed to criticize both wood and plastic pallets.)

If anything, the plastic pallets seem easier to scrub than the wood ones. And surely, they have a long shelf life. Maybe one day the media will do a story on how the green groups have an agenda other than the one they use to raise their green.

Stier adds, After all, it is the wood pallet advocates that are claiming to be green, but in this case, they are just exploiting people s interest in the environment for their own narrow interests.

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