Every Picture Tells a Story - Instapot Edition

By Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA — Aug 11, 2020
Instapot braises, steams, fries, makes yougurt, and despite no special spot on the dial, can now safely sterilize your precious N-95 masks.
Image courtesy of Orna Wachman on Pixabay

As Vishal Verma, one of the authors of "Dry heat as a decontamination method for N95 respirator reuse" reports in Environmental Science and Technology Letters

"The respirators maintained their filtration capacity of more than 95% and kept their fit, still properly seated on the wearer's face, even after 20 cycles of decontamination in the electric cooker."

Photo courtesy of Chamteut Oh, University of Illinois

For those who would prefer quick video instructions on using your Instapot as a home sterilization unit, here is the YouTube link




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