Boys And Girls Are Different, And Other Ways We Enraged Activists Last Week

By Hank Campbell — Oct 31, 2016
1. Is feminism incompatible with science? Absolutely, as are most "-isms" that put an ideological agenda ahead of reason and suppress evidence that is in conflict with their cultural goal. Alex Berezow noted how neo-feminists who don't care about equality (many are in academia and are critical of academia) but need an excuse to hate science have perverted the movement's original goals. They are postmodernists, but without the clever intellectual flourishes of philosophers, and so come across as political propagandists.
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1. Is feminism incompatible with science? Absolutely, as are most "-isms" that put an ideological agenda ahead of reason and suppress evidence that is in conflict with their cultural goal. Alex Berezow noted how neo-feminists who don't care about equality (many are in academia and are critical of academia) but need an excuse to hate science have perverted the movement's original goals. They are postmodernists, but without the clever intellectual flourishes of philosophers, and so come across as political propagandists. His article was picked up across media, in The Daily Caller, Hot Air, PJ Media, and more.

2. The New York Post wanted to know why sexually transmitted diseases have seen a recent surge, so they talked with Dr. Josh Bloom, who noted that the issue isn't scientific, it's cultural. Science did the job against HIV so well that people can once again have unprotected sex without any consequence, and fear of AIDS was the big driver in condom use. Today, young people aren't afraid of diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis while technology, in the form of phone apps like Tinder (heterosexual) and Grindr (homosexual), has made it easier than ever to prospect among hundreds of potentially willing partners.

The rise in syphilis among gay men is “very good, albeit indirect, evidence that the reduced fear of HIV infection is a very important factor in driving up the rates of other STDs,” Dr. Bloom noted. Drugs now allow HIV-positive people to have unprotected sex without passing it on to uninfected partners. “And if they do, so what? You take a pill or two per day and live a mostly normal life.”

And then the Post also included a statement from the government which claimed, naturally, that they needed more funding. 

So science has solved the big problem, but like with obesity, smoking or other issues, cultural maturity has to catch up. The government will probably blame that on taxes not being high enough also.

Breitbart blogged about Dr. Bloom's quote as well.

3. Dr. Alex Berezow also wrote in Scientific American, discussing replacing annual physicals with real-time biomarker monitoring and postulating that modern technology could do a better job of picking up health problems before they get out of hand than waiting for annual visits that most people will never go to.

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