Other Science News

Evolution by natural selection suggests that organisms adapt to their environments.
At ACSH, we spent a fair amount of time debunking misleading, misinformed science and policy. We have been at it for over 40 years.
The FDA is the nation’s most ubiquitous regulatory agency, responsible for overseeing products – drugs, medical devices, tobacco products, and most foods -- that account for about 20 cents of every dollar consumers spend.  It is currently goi
The outdoor air is unpleasant, but we don’t need health warnings to prefer staying indoors.
  Come gather ‘round people wherever you roam And admit that the waters around you have grown …
This article has been written in collaboration with Jacob Traverse [1]
During his long-overdue testimony before the House Committee on Agriculture in April, EPA Administrator Michael Regan complained about anti-pesticide groups tying up his Agency’s resources
A significant portion of point-of-sales transactions involve cash, credit, or debit cards, and digital transactions are increasing. But little is known about how consumers decide to reach into their wallets for cash or a card.
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