Other Science News

Of all the Anthropocene pollutants, light polluting the night skies seems to be the most benign. Sure, there are studies suggesting health impacts.
    Yes. The study from the University of North Caroline Medical Center at Chapel Hill asked 113 visitors and patients over age 18 to look at this picture and answer who was the surgeon and the most skilled.
"Clean cooking is commonly defined as cooking with fuels and stove combinations that meet the standards set by the World Health Organization’s Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality.”
If we are lucky, there are many we love during our lives. Friends, real friends, must be cultivated, they thrive with attention and falter when ignored.
Could we have been all wrong about the obesity epidemic?
I believe that we can learn much from nature; after all, it has had millions of years to perfect its ways; even if they are not perfect, they work very well in our current world.
The expression, "there are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics," is attributed to Benjamin Disraeli, the U.K.’s Prime Minster from 1874 to 1880. A century and a half later, improper manipulation of statistics is pervasive.
The basic concept involves transferring vehicle energy requirements from a distributed local scale to a regional institutional scale, each having its environmental impacts.
“Being attached to the firehose of the 24/7 news cycle is anxiety-inducing and literally bad for your health. How do we stop doomscrolling when it seems like the bad news just won’t stop coming?”
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