Other Science News

Homeopathic products are a scam. They are sold for almost any ailment imaginable and, collectively, people are willing to spend several billions of dollars a year on them despite any evidence that they are effective. 
You can certainly say that we millennials have a distinct sense of entitlement.
With more and more stories crossing my path of people (mostly children) being hospitalized or dying at the hand of a naturopath, I could not help but wonder....
This morning Archana Radhakrishnan et al. from Johns Hopkins and the University of Pennsylvania, published a paper in Cancer on who and why patients seek second opinions on prostate cancer.
With the Cubs winning the World Series for the first time in more than a century, there's a level of excitement for the team's historic achievement that's extending well beyond Wrigley Field and the city of Chicago.
Don't be fooled by the rocks that she's got - Jennifer Lopez is just your average, everyday molecular biologist. 
Have you ever had this experience traveling to an unknown destination?
A new economic claim from the American Lung Association of California regarding Zero Emission Vehicles and their potential health b
The news regarding antibiotic misuse is, needless to say, bleak. 
Small towns and big cities across America are replacing overhead streetlight bulbs with brighter, longer-lasting versions.
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