Policy & Ethics

I recently testified to the USDA about food labels for products made using animal cell culture techniques. The testimony is below.
If you watched professional wrestling in the 1960s it would be difficult not to remember William "Haystacks" Calhoun.
John Ioannidis is the academic leading the charge to bring reproducibility and integrity back to some of our scientific publications.
Most people agree that drug prices in America are way too high. The disagreement centers on the cause and what to do about it, if anything.
Should transgender individuals play sports according to their biological gender or the gender with which they identify? That's a devilishly difficult question.
Among the many recurring topics, this year has been the impact of machine learning in our lives, especially the implications for our future work life.
Back in April of this year the media was attracted to the capture of a suspected serial killer through the use of genetic data from the crime scene and GEDmatch, an open-source genealogy website.
A walk through old New York will bring memories of Three Card Monte a confidence game, disguised as a game of chance, a variation on the shell game – all one has to do is identify the money card among three faced down cards.
In the spring, the EPA proposed a new regulation to strengthen the transparency of science that applies to regulations for what the EPA terms “pivotal regulatory science” – regulations that incur costs to the public.
Bill Hammond writing on New York's hospital readmission in Empire Center noted: “modestly improved grades for reducing avoidable admis
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