Recently the incidence of syphilis has been increasing in newborn babies and pregnant women, and the United States Preventive Services Task Force has reaffirmed guidelines emphasizing the importance of pregnant women being screened for the disease. It's relatively easy to cure syphilis with antibiotic treatment, and caught early it would prevent devastating effects on both babies and moms.
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For some time now, researchers have known that being bilingual is beneficial both culturally and cognitively. A recent study sheds more light on how knowing a second, or perhaps even a third, language can help your brain, especially when it comes to cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.
Heartburn does not involve the heart or a burn, although the discomfort may be described as burning. What underlies this common complaint?
One of the many problems with academia is that it allows nutcases to flourish.
FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb condemned the use of kratom, which is a plant-based mixture of chemical compounds, some of which are opioids. The evidence is strong that kratom does contain multiple opioid drugs – and therefore carries with it some risk. But those who use it to treat pain are adamant about needing it. Who's right? Maybe both sides.
In the early days of microbiology experiments, when researchers needed test subjects they frequently went to those closest nearby which included their family or themselves.
Now, we have animals to use for experimentation or humans, if the right permission is granted and protocols obtained.
There's no greater wealth of knowledge or insight than experienced practitioners manning the front lines. Yet the powers that be rarely – if ever – ask them about what's the right data to pursue. Here's a partial answer to a physician's job dissatisfaction.
The Winter Olympic Games are set to begin this week, but, the organizers have been thrown a last minute headache - well more of a stomachache, actually. Dozens of members of the security detail in the Olympic facilities have come down with norovirus or "the stomach flu." This is making for a nail-biter of a finish - waiting to see if any of the athletes are affected - and the competition hasn't even started yet!
Exposure at an early age might increase the likelihood of developing an allergy to the family kitty, according to some researchers. But according to others, it could be protective against such an allergy. So which is it? A recent study indicates it depends on the age at which the allergy is assessed.
Bacteria use chemical weapons. Using E. coli as a model, researchers sought to understand how simple regulators might produce multiple combat strategies. The investigation also tried to determine whether strategy would provide a survival advantage.
She opposes the tools and practices of modern agriculture and science – and modernity in general — and advocates retrogressive policies that will cause widespread malnourishment, deprivation and death to the very people she claims to champion. As guest writer Henry Miller points out, Shiva is no friend of the environment, either.
Why hire a PhD or a person with a bachelor's degree in science? Instead, it's cheaper and easier to hire a social media intern who's spent the last few years copying and pasting press releases about scary toxins and miracle vegetables.
Guys, don't eat Mickey D fries because you think your hair will grow back. It won't. You'll just look even more hideous than you do now. What's the deal with the magic fries chemical? Pretty clever, actually.
A new study says that among high-risk women, how they approached treatment and prevention was clearly related to whether they personally knew of family members or friends who died of breast cancer. Those who did were more likely to take aggressive measures to battle the disease; those who didn't took a more conservative approach.
James Cagney might call these "dirty, double-crossing rats," but they're likely not dirty, and they don't mean to do it. But according to the CDC, pet rats can carry and pass along a type of hantavirus – the Seoul virus – that can make their owners pretty sick.
Partner getting a little junk in the trunk? How can you get him/her to slim down? Start dieting yourself. Trust us, your partner will follow. much fanfare, the International Agency for Research on Cancer announced that hot beverages are carcinogenic. But a new study shows that tea is not a culprit.
As the first physician to serve three administrations AND be the appointed Physician to the President for two presidents, Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson is a historical figure. Find out here: Are presidents difficult patients? Can his team operate on Air Force One? How does he feel about his recent press conference over President Trump's physical or the politicizing of a candidate's health, in general? And more...
Researchers have found a way to model the thinking of experts, which could allow machines to explain their "thinking." That would be a great step forward in the deep learning of medical diagnosis by computers.
A couple years back an asthma episode in Australia claimed 10 lives. The culprit was something called "thunderstorm asthma," which is believed to occur when high winds sweep up pollen grains, which then swell in the moisture. The theory is that each grain ruptures into hundreds of even smaller pieces, multiplying the danger.
Why we are attracted to some people and not others is a complicated question. Of course, the reasons are multifaceted. But is part of the equation purely biological? Science says that there might be.
Pheramor believes genetic analysis provides the best path to matchmaking happiness. The Houston-based, tech start-up contends that sequencing 11 genes associated with pheromones – which are believed to switch on sexual attraction – will produce a better match than current online dating services. But is the science backing the venture sound?
Smokers, like the rest of us, believe that a small reward today is worth a bigger penalty in the future. Smokers also believe that this future is further away than non-smokers. Or put another way, "I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."
Flu season most often peaks in February. Buckle up, says the little rodent from Punxsutawney.
The benefits of breastfeeding for a mom include quicker recovery from delivery and, according to a new study, less risk of developing diabetes. Also, both white and black women seemed to benefit, and the longer the duration of lactation the stronger the link.
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