
SPOILER ALERT: A key theme in the movie will be revealed in this article.
As my co-worker handed me an advertisement addressed to me, she said “I know you are going to throw it out, but that’s your call” while we laughed in unison at my historical lack of guile given the circumstance.
The iconic movie remake of A Star Is Born, starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga among other notables, strikes a chord as it genuinely and accurately captures the reverberating heartache associated with addiction, depression, anxiety and
A new report published in BMJ Journal: Injury Prevention opts to reframe how we interpret data on preventable, premature deaths by using an “en
In a trend described as “shocking,” news outlets are
In 2017, more than 72,000 Americans died from drug overdoses.
The “opioid epidemic” consistently addressed in the news, by politicians and throughout social media conflates many aspects of the issue, often speaking interchangeably about prescription medications and illicit drugs.
Ever the optimist, I long for the day gratuitous personal attacks in the public sphere become passé. But, alas, yesterday was not that day.
You would have to be living under a rock to be unaware of the opioid crisis going on today. 
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