alternative medicine

In the mood for some yuks? Good. We can thank Steve Whelan, a member of the ACSH board of trustees, and the widower of our founder, the late Dr. Elizabeth Whelan.
It was gratifying to see the New York Times take on Joe "Crazy Joe" Mercola, arguably the premier online peddler of bogus products and misinformation.
It's difficult to out-Oz Dr. Oz, America's Quack, who has raked in giant piles of money by promoting pseudoscience on his TV show. But at least one person comes perilously close: Dr. Mark Hyman.
We are not fans of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). ACSH was founded in part to debunk baseless fearmongering, and the folks at CSPI are professionals at promoting junk science.
It's no secret that I'm no fan of dietary supplements. Neither is my colleague Dr. Henry Miller, one sharp guy, who used to be the Director of the FDA's Office of Biotechnology. 
A leading public health authority recently denounced Netflix for its series featuring Gwyneth Paltrow and her company Goop, which sells magical elixirs and other pseudoscientific garbage.
Last year, my wife and I moved out of Seattle into a house in the suburbs. One of the many new responsibilities we acquired in the process is taking care of a yard.
Who would have ever thought that when I dropped acid (1) that its effects would last so long? But I cannot think of an alternate explanation for what I just (thought I) read. Other than hallucinations. 
The old adage that a lie can traverse the globe before the truth puts its shoes on has never been more relevant than it is today. Because of social media, lies can literally spread around the world in mere seconds.
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