
We have had a recent and unfortunate encounter with a website called DeSmogBlog, whose stated aim is "clearing the PR pollution that clouds climate science." In reality, it's an ideologically driven, propaganda website that spreads malicious disin
If the media has a question about biomedical science, one would assume that a scientist or doctor would be the go-to source of information. But this is 2020, and we're way beyond that.
Americans don't appreciate their government telling them what to do.
The CDC has released a new report showing the world's progress (or lack thereof) in eradicating measles, the most contagious of all human infectious diseases.
Recently, a very good (male) friend of mine went through a painful and protracted divorce. Through our hours-long conversations, I learned about an author named Lundy Bancroft.
Usually, when we have something to say about California, it's bad. After all, this is the state that gave us Proposition 65, a smorgasbord of insane public health policies, and 38 seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.
Most scientists would be flattered to have a celebrity endorse an article they wrote. However, if that celebrity is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the endorsement is tantamount to the kiss of death. If RFK, Jr.
What should we make of New York Times reporter Eric Lipton? Here is a man whose words are constrained neither by facts nor basic decency.
How many times have we heard in recent years that measles is no big deal? That it's just a harmless childhood disease (nicknamed "Mickey Mouse measles" following the Disneyland outbreak)?
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