
A group at the University of Houston has discovered a vaccine that blunts the effect of fentanyl in mice, making it a potential tool for combating the deadly fentanyl overdose epidemic that c
The study, in 92 critically ill patients with PCR positive COVID-19, looked at the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies directed specifically at COVID-19 as well as the presence of viral RNA and COVID-19 specific proteins.
One of the many lessons learned from COVID is that it's not trivial to come up with new drugs or therapies that will tackle a new virus. Chemistry blogger Derek Lowe, who started his unparalleled "In the Pipeline" blog two decades a
Why microbes kill some people, but not others is probably the hardest question in all of medical microbiology.
Vaccines must be rigorously tested before they are deployed en masse. The reason is that vaccines can have unpredictable, unintended effects.
The quote was from Tom Evans, chief scientist at Oxford university’s vaccines spinout company Vaccitech The Image from the Financial Times, T-cells: the missing link in
Although an annual exam is probably not necessary if you're young and healthy, it's a good idea to go to the doctor every once in a while. As he's prodding about, he might find something rather unexpected.
For those who suffer with migraines (such as yours truly), relief can be elusive.
According to the World Health Organization, there are vaccines available to prevent 26 infectious diseases.
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