atrial fibrillation

December is traditionally the biggest party month of the year, with Christmas and Hanukkah celebrations capped by New Year’s Eve.
Atrial fibrillation is an abnormal heart rhythm where the atrium’s contractions are not synchronized to the contractions of the ventricle; the atrial chamber quivers more than contracts.
Atrial fibrillation is the most common irregular heartbeat, affecting 2.7 million Americans. Up to 15% of patients with atrial fibrillation can experience a debilitating stroke, so prevention is important.
Somewhere along the way critical reasoning and a healthy dose of skepticism were supplanted by tacit acceptance as fact press releases and publications generated from academic institutions, those “perfectly” credentialed and arbitrarily deemed sci
A group of researchers at the Institute for Heart Vascular and Stroke Care and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, le
Atrial fibrillation (an irregular and often rapid heart rate resulting in poor blood flow) is the
Two new multicenter studies assessing hundreds of stroke patients clearly show that cryptogenic stroke
Atrial fibrillation (AF) increased 13% in prevalence over the last twenty years in the United States alone.
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