
The study, published in JAMA Open Network, looked at the mission statement of 60 new medical schools established since 2000
    Yes. The study from the University of North Caroline Medical Center at Chapel Hill asked 113 visitors and patients over age 18 to look at this picture and answer who was the surgeon and the most skilled.
By Josh Bloom, PhD; Alex Berezow, PhD; Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA; and Thom Golab
If you want to know what the current thinking is in a scientific field, the best place to start is not a textbook but a literature review.
As a physician, how could I resist this title?  Why Doctors Think They’re the Best. Obviously, I couldn’t.
There is a pervasive bias in academia against scientists who work in industry.
Should scientific research ever be judged by the name of the scientist who performed it? Most people, scientists included, would answer "no." The quality of the research is far more important than the name of the researcher who performed it.
The CDC released a report on Thursday that should cause widespread celebration: The prevalence of cigarette smoking among adults (14%) is at an all-time low since the federal govern
Lately, in the public sphere, anything documented in the medical record is being bandied about as the most damning of evidence to support perceived wrongdoing of whichever party is in play.
In a surprising turn, media outlets just began reporting that Procter & Gamble, the maker of Pampers diapers, has been steathily removing and replacing Sesame Street characters on their product since the start of the summer.
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