cardiovascular disease

A recent study reported in the New England Journal Of Medicine (NEJM) has drawn the attention of the community of physicians and scientists researching and treating
Erythritol is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol found in some fruits and fermented products.
Today’s villain is erythritol, a naturally occurring “sugar-alcohol” (polyols) used as a sweetener. It is not as sweet as sucrose, so it is typically used in far higher amounts in the “food chain” than in our fruits and vegetables.
“Rise in heart disease may be explained by extreme weather conditions,” ABC News reported last week.
“For many people, regardless of size, stepping on the scale at the doctor’s office can be a triggering, harmful experience,” SELF magazine reported late last month.
According to a slew of recent headlines, electronic cigarette users (vapers) are more likely than smokers to have a stroke earlier in life.
“Between 2002 and 2013 statin use in the US nearly doubled, cholesterol levels are falling, yet cardiovascular deaths appear to be on the rise.”
Physicians, when prescribing medications for a new medical problem, will discuss the specifics of treatment and should, discuss lifestyle changes that might improve the patient’s outlook.
“In effect, the broadening clinical experience of managing CVD conditions that manifest differently between women and men, combined with the accumulating data on sex-specific CVD presentations, suggest that cardiovascular pathoph