
A Florida man (who else?) has been arrested for making a particular explosive, which has been given the not-so-subtle nickname "Mother of Satan." What is it?
Unlike human skin or electronic gadgets, aging makes red wine better. The reasons are complex, but they all boil down to chemistry.
There can be no better example of the damage done by quackery masked as "alternative medicine" than the tragic case of Chad
It's often helpful for journalists who do not have specialized knowledge of complex scientific topics to write about them anyway, because if they can understand them and figure out how to communicate them, they can perform a tremendous public serv
Though they are both metals, gold and uranium have little in common.
The media often uses the words "opioid" and "opiate" interchangeably. However, there are subtle but important differences between them. OPIOID
Someday, everybody will be wearing smart clothes -- not just clothes that look dapper, but are able to sense the environment and the body's vital signs, perhaps then pinging the data to your wrist watch or doctor.
Kurt Eichenwald is an interesting guy -- in the same way that a 47-car pileup on the freeway is interesting. He is, according to his Twitter bio, a contributing editor to Vanity Fair and a New York Times bestselling author.
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