
For those of you clinging to the idea that COVID-19 is nothing more than "the flu," an unfortunate (but entirely predictable) "experiment" in a bar in Florida should disabuse you of this myth.
The FDA just revoked the emergency authorization of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) - two malaria drugs that were supposed to help control coronavirus infection. But they were strong on hype and weak on results.
There are a plethora of drugs and vaccines in the pipeline to treat or prevent COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. How many of them are likely to be successful?
Well, this is certainly interesting. An article from CNBC that I posted on my personal Facebook page has been flagged by Facebook fact-checkers as containing "partly false information."
Over the past few months I've been arguing that remdesivir, the only approved drug for SARS-2 infection, was never going to make a meaningful impact on COVID because it is an IV-only drug, meaning that it will only be administered to ver
This article was originally published at Geopolitical Futures. The original is here.
As I mentioned previously, I've been marooned in Poland for a few months due to the coronavirus pandemic. Poland, along with several other Eastern European countries, implemented a very severe lockdown.
"Now is the winter of our discontent," begins Richard III, one of Shakespeare's most famous plays.
Thanks to the COVID-19 lockdown, pornography use is up. But that's not what is meant by the term "pandemic porn."
In the pharmaceutical industry, there's a low-level Hatfield-McCoy thing between chemists and biologists that's been going on forever. Each group thinks that the other group is a bunch of morons.
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