harm reduction

The Food and Drug Administration has dealt two deadly blows to tobacco harm reduction in the past two days.
Regulators and policymakers are on the warpath against vaping.
Mounting evidence shows that e-cigarette use (vaping) can help smokers give up combustible tobacco for good, even if they have no intention to quit.
Interested in a simple, common-sense way to make street drugs much safer? This would go a long way toward mitigating our misnamed "opioid overdose crisis." Why misnamed?
Last month, Gov. Dan McKee signed legislation making the Ocean State the first to legalize safe injection sites, dubbed “overdose prevention sites” by harm-reduction advocates. Hopefully, Rhode Island won’t run into the same fe
While initially covered by CNN, it has subsequently been covered by the print media as well, including the
Several months ago, we were about to cover an important story out of San Francisco. However, the coronavirus pandemic hit, and we've been focused almost exclusively on it since then.
#Reprinted with permission. Dr. Singer's original article can be found here.
Reprinted with permission of the author and the Cato Institute. Dr.
The CDC is one of the finest public health institutions on the planet. Because they fearlessly march into "hot zones" to battle deadly infectious diseases, we microbiologists think of the good folks at the CDC as real-life superheroes.
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