
I recognize that I am older and that medical training has changed quite a bit.
After a, thankfully, transient health scare, Oprah Winfrey offers some sound advice: “Number one? Don't Google your symptoms.”
The results of the biennial 2018 Survey of America’s Physicians, intended to “take the pulse” of doctors in the U.S., were recently
It was just Happy Neonatal Nurses Day, but it seems like every day we celebrate another occupation; and when everyone is honored, often no one is honored. I want to take a moment to recognize and hold in awe neonatal nurses.
A male physician in Texas, Gary Tigges, MD, faced a rude awakening when comments he believed would remain priv
The “opioid epidemic” consistently addressed in the news, by politicians and throughout social media conflates many aspects of the issue, often speaking interchangeably about prescription medications and illicit drugs.
The exhaled breath or “blow” squirted from the Eastern Australian humpback whale is replete with its own viral ecosystem or virome.
Protected personal health information has traditionally been exempt from privacy concerns, given the unique nature of its scope and regulation, until the advent of direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing, forced implementation of electronic medic
In our postmodern society -- where truth is relative, "fake news" is prevalent, and scientific facts are just an opinion -- it shouldn't come as a surprise that modern medicine is facing a backlash.
The incidence of prostate cancer tripled between 1975 and the early 90’s. What changed?
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