mental health

SPOILER ALERT: A key theme in the movie will be revealed in this article.
Now, Disney Princesses and films are under attack.
The iconic movie remake of A Star Is Born, starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga among other notables, strikes a chord as it genuinely and accurately captures the reverberating heartache associated with addiction, depression, anxiety and
A new report published in BMJ Journal: Injury Prevention opts to reframe how we interpret data on preventable, premature deaths by using an “en
I had the distinct pleasure of being a guest on CUNY-TV’s Smith Sabatino Show yesterday.
When you practice medicine, you are often tethered to your smartphone.
Are you afraid of spiders? You aren't alone. (Well, except when it's just you and the spider.)
Everybody hates heat waves. We hate them so much, in fact, that heat waves have a measurable detrimental impact on our society.
We always knew when our PhD advisor was applying for a grant. He would pace the hallways, then go outside and smoke. A lot. (Thankfully, he's quit since then.)
The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) is a quick, 10-question test that attempts to objectify an inherently subjective topic: depression.
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