
Misinformation and disinformation have emerged as two of the most important threats in the world today.
I have written extensively on privacy in the digital age, especially concerning healthcare. I suspect my concerns and those of many others are a little belated, and there is no better example than the “manhunt” for those rioting at the Capital.
Ever since the coronavirus crept onto the world stage, we have been suffering from two simultaneous pandemics: One from the virus and another from mis- and disinformation.
My hobby outside of work has been woodworking. There is something about creating, by hand and machine, that provides a moment to get into the flow – that mindful place of being rather than doing.
For all the ink spilled pixels expended, on COVID-19 and the immune system, it might help in putting our response and our attempts at vaccines into perspective if we review how our immune system works.
Lost in the discussion of the need for more ventilators in the face of COVID-19 is the consideration of what those ventilators supply, oxygen.
Mayor Giuliani now thinks he's Dr. Giuliani. His website is offering up two very bad videos on coronavirus and COVID-19.
We have gotten used to trolls and political ideologues spreading misinformation about public health. But it's still a surprise when alleged science journalists do it.
Scientists and science writers are urged to participate more in public debates. However, when we do, we often get libeled and slandered.