
A multidisciplinary team from Texas just published their work in PLOS Medicine on U.S.
In an ideal world, a government governs while a parent parents. This utopia, in my view, would involve a symbiotic relationship that, together, advances the best interest of a child.
Ever the optimist, I long for the day gratuitous personal attacks in the public sphere become passé. But, alas, yesterday was not that day.
“At all costs” breastfeeding messages are a consistent refrain from
Apparently, we are at a point where the Governor of Utah was compelled to sign into law bill SB65 which somewhat modifies the definition of child neglect.
Misperceptions abound surrounding infant nutrition and what is best for baby.
An observable trend in pediatrics, during my tenure practicing in New York City, was the consistent truncating of pediatric divisions and services.
A baby was born from a living-donor’s transplanted uterus for the first time in the United States.
Another underwater birth, another near-fatal consequence. This time the imperiled, septic newborn endured unnecessary multi-organ failure that necessitated a two-month hospitalization in the intensive care unit (ICU).
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