public health

The Boogyman, a vestige of many childhoods, was an amorphous monster. And while his outline was unclear, his purpose wasn’t; it was to frighten kids into obedience.
My wife and I travel frequently from our home in Seattle to Europe to visit her parents. I've been across the pond 20 times, and I've visited 18 countries there.
Despite the mounting data about the benefits of electronic cigarette use, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo must not be getting the memos.
For the vast majority of people who live in the developed world, infectious disease is an afterthought.
Every student in America should be required to take a class called, "What Do We Know, and How Do We Know It?" Perhaps if we learned from an early age how we know the things we claim to know, fewer Americans would fall for ridiculous conspiracy the
Excited to report that a new study in Health Affairs provides us with another metric that we have previously known and repeatedly been shown in the literature (and
When some of the public hears about vaccines today, they may think of Andrew Wakefield's fraudulent links to autism or Jenny McCarthy’s use of her Hollywood megaphone to polarize the issue as well as encourage the spread of an anti-
Our public health system has a very bad habit of fighting the last war. This has resulted in a real-life version of American Horror Story.
Human sovereignty over the environment is a double-edged sword. For instance, on the one hand, advances in science and technology have caused deaths from infectious diseases to plummet around the world.
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