
Artificial intelligence is getting really, really good. In fact, it has become so technologically advanced that some high-skilled jobs that we once believed were "robot-proof" actually are not. The biomedical profession is ripe for overhaul.
A story that has gone viral (again) claims that McDonald's touchscreen menus are covered in poop. Is it true?
The history of the field of microbiology may not be as long as other scientific areas, but it is as rich. 
Recently, I gave a seminar on "fake news" to professors and grad students at a large public university. Early in my talk, I polled the audience: "How many of you believe climate change is the world's #1 threat?"
"Many battles have been fought and won by soldiers nourished on beer, and the King does not believe that coffee-drinking soldiers can be relied upon to endure hardships in case of another war." -- Frederick the Great, 177
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