
It doesn't take much anything to annoy me anymore. It can strike from anywhere at any time. What was it today? (As if it matters. Two minutes later I would have found something else.) But today it was coffee.
    Tis the season to be outside and for the feast of the mosquito to begin. My wife is a mosquito magnet; I am not. Reactions, a video from the American Chemical Society series, explains.  
You don't come to this website for (bad) golf tips. Instead, you come here for our take on the latest scientific and consumer issues of the day. Trust us. It's better that way.
Most people agree that drug prices in America are way too high. The disagreement centers on the cause and what to do about it, if anything.
In their endeavor to appeal to Millennials and other young people, companies are engaging in marketing campaigns that look and sound good but actually accomplish nothing.
Like a broken clock that accidentally gets the time right, the State of California has finally stumbled upon the correct approach to coffee. Sort of.
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