By Patricia Opresko, University of Pittsburgh and
Biomedicine & Biotech
Though only one of them still exists, the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World -- such as the Colossus of Rhodes and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon -- transcend space and time.
Though the sciences of microbiology and public health have largely made infectious disease an afterthought for most people in the developed world, microbes have not gone away.
5G, the next generation of wireless technology, promises not just incredibly fast data transmission but also r
$2 million is a lot of money. It’s enough to buy a fleet of Tesla Model S cars, a large lake’s worth of Swedish Fish, or even a private island.
Roaming through your body is a group of specialized immune cells that acts like the secret police. They ask other body cells to show them identification ("Papers please!"). If they fail to provide adequate ID, the cells are killed on the spot.
In a piece published today in the journal Science Translational Medicine, researchers present a proof-of-concept study maintaining they designed “an accessible solution that uses speakers and microphones within existing smartphones to det
Promising work just published in Nature Medicine especially offers hope to chronically ill patients battling drug-resistant infections while most compromised with weakened im
In its international edition on April 25, the New York Times ran a blatantly anti-Semitic political cartoon that portrayed a blind President Trump wearing a yarmulke being led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who wa
We're a nation of confused germophobes.