Biomedicine & Biotech

Thanks to Herculean efforts by pharmaceutical companies all over the globe, the biomedical research community is now on the verge of producing the world's first successful coronavirus vaccine.
The good news shot around the planet within minutes: American pharmaceutical behemoth Pfizer, in collaboration with the German firm BioNTech, have produced a vaccine that is 90% effective at preventing coronavirus infection.
The race for the first FDA approved coronavirus vaccine is heating up, and it appears that Pfizer may cross the finish line first.
Several years ago, a brand new method of genetic engineering called CRISPR was invented, and it was based on discoveries made about the rudimentary "immune system" possessed by bacteria.
Several months ago, there was speculation that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, was created in a Chinese bioweapons laboratory.
The anti-opioid crusade remains alive and well (unlike the pain patients who are the victims of it).
One of the most famous passages from the Bible is Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, which inspired the Byrds' song Turn Turn Turn. Here is an excerpt:
Artificial intelligence is getting really, really good. In fact, it has become so technologically advanced that some high-skilled jobs that we once believed were "robot-proof" actually are not. The biomedical profession is ripe for overhaul.
This article was originally published at Geopolitical Futures. The original is here.
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