For athletes and others who exercise, glucose is the key energy source that powers their activity. Since it's what makes them go – and keeps them going – maintaining proper levels are essential to achieving the desired performance.
Biomedicine & Biotech
Causes of obesity are not as simple as a lack of exercise or overindulging.
Judging from our readers' strong response to a recent article on why pancreatic cancer kills so quickly, we thought we'd turn our attention
Part of the global effort to discover new antibiotics involves inventing new techniques to analyze the ones we already have.
The Dutch are famous for windmills, impressive feats of geoengineering, and being tall and blonde. At a towering 183.8 cm (just over 6 feet tall), Dutch men are widely hailed as the tallest in the world.
A new Zika vaccine may be just around the corner, with incredibly promising results recently published in Nature Medicine.
23andMe, founded in 2006, is a personal genetics company with the mission to "help people access, understand and benefit from the human genome."
One in 10 people have a major depressive disorder (MDD) during their lives, which makes depression the most common mental illness. Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from depression.
Recently, I had the pleasure of traveling to Washington, D.C.
"Ew, what was that?" is perhaps the most common refrain uttered by people as they drive past roadkill. Most people find these carcasses repulsive, as they glide their cars carefully around the bloody remains.