Reputations are a funny thing. It takes years to build them but mere seconds to destroy them.
Biomedicine & Biotech
You might notice Dr. Norm Borlaug, Nobel Laureate and "Father of the Green Revolution" in our Founder's Circle.
The existence of human pheromones is hotly debated. Ask any woman who has lived in a college dorm and she is likely to tell you that they exist because the women synced their menstrual cycles when living together.
Scientific experiments require subjects - which are infrequently humans for many (obvious) reasons.
So are baldness and height related?
Mendel's theories of inheritance came from making careful observations while crossing pea plants. One observation was that the traits of the offspring (progeny) pea plants were determined by their parents' traits.
For years, researchers viewed body fat as just a passive storage depot — it was there to hold all those excess calories we consume.
A company in Boston, MA, wants to change the way that vaccines are administered, and Bill and Melinda Gates are lending them a hand to make it a reality.
The World Health Organization released their first ever report on the antibiotic resistant bacteria that are of the greatest global concern - the
Pest control and microbial disinfection protocols often utilize ultraviolet (UV) light. The reason is because UV light is extremely damaging to cells.