
If you asked any American what's dangerous about cigarette smoking, you'd likely get a response such as "the smoke" or "the nicotine" or "the tar". And if you delved deeper you might get an accurate response like "the chemicals".
Last week, I was fortunate to hear a talk at the Population Council given by the inspiring Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr. Dr.
By Brian Owens (Inside Science) -- People who frequently groom or remove their pubic hair are more likely to contract sexually transmitted infections, according to new research.
Like an unlucky penny, Vladimir Putin keeps showing up in the American media. From allegations of election tampering to hacking emails, Mr. Putin chooses to stay relevant through notoriety.
When a measles outbreak occurred at Disneyland roughly two years ago, anti-vaccine activists mocked it.
Recently, Bill Maher instructed America on the importance of knowledge.
With winter approaching, perhaps you or somebody you know will be unlucky enough to catch a nasty "stomach flu" or "24-hour flu," which will allow you to spend some quality time in the bathroom.
Peanut allergies range from inconvenient to potentially fatal. The cause is unknown, but it is likely to involve a combination of immunogenetic and environmental factors.
Necrotizing fasciitis, which literally translated means "inflammation of the fascia (connective tissue) causing cell death," is the proper medical term for what is colloquially known as "flesh-eat
The quick and frightening death of a man who contracted a kind of flesh-eating bacterium after cleaning crab pots has made