
Breast cancer is one of the most intensively investigated forms of cancer. While the research has not yet resulted in a cure, it has informed decisions about how to treat its various forms.
Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) used to be called "adult-onset" diabetes because it was typically seen in people aged 40 and up, as opposed to Type 1 which is frequently seen in younger folks — even children.
In recent years, circumcision has become a prickly issue. Protesters smear fake blood on their pants*, decrying "genital mutilation." They declare that a man should make the choice for himself when he comes of age. 
The United Nations took responsibility for starting the cholera epidemic in Haiti that has killed over 9,000 people and sickened hundreds of thousands more.
Our consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages has been linked to virtually every illness known to man (only a slight exaggeration) — including obesity and type 2 diabetes — to name just a couple.
When a new virus or other pathogen surfaces in the news, like Zika did earlier this year, most people have the same first thought.... will I get it?
Who could possibly forget Ebola - the virus that we were all talking about before Zika? Although it sounded like something from a bad science fiction movie, it was all too real. Fortunately, it's gone. Or is it?
Hillary Clinton's camp has said she has pneumonia, which accounts for her wobbling at a September 11th ceremony.
A recent report by the organization known as Cancer Research UK presents some worrisome data describing the popula