
Americans experienced a record number of illnesses in 2016 stemming from chickens kept in their backyards and on their rooftops.
If you read only the headlines this past weekend, your holiday festivities might have been less fun, since the message seemed to be that consuming any amount of alcohol was a certain precursor to developing breast cancer.
Roger Ailes, one of the founders of Fox News, died from an intracranial hemorrhage (bleeding inside the skull) after falling and hitting his head. Though the bleeding was exacerbated by the fact Mr.
For the past 120 years, X-rays have been used to treat a wide variety of maladies and due to their prevalence, we probably know more about the effects of radiation than any other agent.
May is Celiac Disease Awareness month which makes this the perfect time to focus on some exciting new research in the field.  One of the most interesting questions out there is - what is the cause of celiac disease? 
Mental illness still carries a stigma in society, particularly for those who suffer from a severe form, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
When it comes to story ideas, sometimes plenty of research and contemplation is involved. But sometimes, they just appear out of nowhere. Other times still, it seems that they just reach up and bite you.
I may be pathogenically biased, but in the world of germs, nothing is more frightening than viruses.
Although there are measles outbreaks occurring all over the world at the moment (sigh), Italy's outbreak is of particular concern. 
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