Food & Nutrition

As a physician, I was often recruited by the spouse of one of my patients to tell them to stop eating some forbidden delight, like ice cream.
If you're worried about never-ending wars, crippling national debt, poverty, disease, social unrest, or even really bad stomach aches, the anti-GMO movement is here to tell you about another troubling threat: ice cream made in
For years, the New York Times attacked crop biotechnology on the grounds that it was a corporate ploy hatched by Monsanto to take over the food supply.
“Vitamin A deficiency [VAD] is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children worldwide,” the American Academy of Ophthalmology noted last year.
Social media has fundamentally changed how we communicate with each other.
Laboratory grown muscle cells from various animals are quickly becoming a commercial reality; they are already real food, at least in Singapore, the only country that has approved their use as a human food.
“The objective of my invention is to furnish a vegetable substitute for meat which shall possess equal or greater nutritive value in equal or more favorable form for digestion and assimilation and which shall contain the
80 post-menopausal women who were overweight participated in a sixteen-week study of the effects of caloric restriction on their weight and microbiome. This current report summarizes the impact on their gut bacteria.
If you remember your high-school US history class, you know that prohibition was an abject failure.
Last month, comedian Russell Brand gave his YouTube followers a 17-minute lecture about Bill Gat