Bug Bitten

By ACSH Staff — Jun 09, 2005
A June 9, 2005 editorial in the Free Lance-Star, about DDT's usefulness in fighting malaria and the tragedy of the deadly ban on DDT, quotes ACSH president Dr. Elizabeth Whelan on the matter:

A June 9, 2005 editorial in the Free Lance-Star, about DDT's usefulness in fighting malaria and the tragedy of the deadly ban on DDT, quotes ACSH president Dr. Elizabeth Whelan on the matter:

[Whelan] says that 60 million or more lives "have been needlessly lost since the ban on DDT took effect. It's a real tragedy that DDT has been so demonized over the years by activist organizations such as Environmental Defense and the regulatory bodies that they have duped."

The WHO claims that one child under the age of 5 dies every 30 seconds from malaria. That's a tragedy when three little letters -- and some actual scientific thinking -- could save them.

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