Why Don't Scientists Speak Up When Science Is Distorted?

By ACSH Staff — Oct 24, 2007
This piece first appeared on HuffingtonPost.com.

This piece first appeared on HuffingtonPost.com.

-- along with some very combative reader responses:

For years, friends and colleagues have asked me: why don't scientists

speak up when the media hypes the latest health scare? They ask why

scientists sit mute when self-appointed environmental activists claim

there is a cancer epidemic (there is not) or that "chemicals" in

products ranging from lipstick to rubber duckies to plastic bottles

cause cancer and reproductive abnormalities (they don't). I think I

know the answer: it is simpler and safer to remain quiet and let the

falsehoods prevail than it is to stand up and confront the hyperbole.

Let me give you a recent personal example.

In August, a CNN reporter named Jordana Miller contacted me to say she

was working on a segment on "bio-monitoring," a trend

where people are seeking to have their blood analyzed to learn if there

may be "chemicals" present that would jeopardize their health. I

agreed -- and was the subject of an aggressive one-hour interview on

camera in my office, the footage for possible use in the upcoming CNN


When the segment never appeared on CNN, we inquired as to its status

and Ms. Miller told us that the program was moving ahead but that there

was no room for my point of view. The planned segment was built on the

premise that any detection of a "chemical" in blood was a sign of

looming illness -- maybe death -- and it appears that my point of view

was so at variance with that claim that it was to be omitted as not to

neutralize the story.

Yesterday, however, CNN released a short video and commentary on their

website. The headline of Ms. Miller's story said it all: "Tests Reveal

High Chemical Levels in Kids' Bodies."

The text went on to describe parents of young children who were

horrified that "chemicals" were being detected in their kids' blood.

And it quoted an"expert":

"We are the humans in a dangerous and unnatural

experiment in the United States, and I think it's unconscionable," said

Dr. Leo Trasande, assistant director of the Center for Children's

Health and the Environment at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New

York City.

Trasande says that industrial toxins could be leading to more childhood

disease and disorders.

"We are in an epidemic of environmentally mediated disease among

American children today," he said. "Rates of asthma, childhood cancers,

birth defects and developmental disorders have exponentially increased,

and it can't be explained by changes in the human genome. So what has

changed? All the chemicals we're being exposed to."

In a gesture toward "balance" Ms. Miller then quoted me:

Elizabeth Whelan, president of the American

Council on Science and Health [ACSH], a public health advocacy group,


"My concern about this trend about measuring chemicals in the blood is

it's leading people to believe that the mere ability to detect

chemicals is the same as proving a hazard, that if you have this

chemical, you are at risk of a disease, and that is false," she said.

Whelan contends that trace levels of industrial chemicals in our bodies

do not necessarily pose health risks.

Literally within moments of the posting (it was for a good part of the

morning the lead story on CNN), I began getting e-mails and phonecalls

stating I should be "ashamed" of myself, asking "how you get to sleep

at night," claiming that I was responsible for suffering and death

among children -- frequently accompanied by the assertion that I did

not represent science but was a tool for the "chemical industry."

(ACSH's very modest budget is derived from a full spectrum of sources,

private foundations, corporations and, most recently, from thousands of

individual Americans who are sick of "junk science" dominating the

media and send ACSH checks to assist us in neutralizing the "scares du

jour" with a hefty helping of scientific facts.)

One correspondent included bcc'ed ire-filled e-mails to ACSH Trustees

suggesting that I be fired for making such allegedly outrageous

assertion. These furious CNN readers/viewers were nearly hysterical

over the fact that ACSH was defined as "a public health advocacy group"

-- which of course is exactly what ACSH is.

Did what I said merit such an attack on me? No, of course not. None

of those admonishing me had presented any explanation as to why their

scientific positions were right and mine were wrong. They simply

invoked the standard ad hominem attacks on me -- their smug belief

being that anyone who disagreed with them was by definition a paid


The above example is just one of many I could relate which confirm that

there are real disincentives for scientists to stand up and set the

record straight when science is distorted (as it was on the CNN website

yesterday). The film clip that CNN posted with the abovementioned

article featured CNN's Anderson Cooper having one pint of his blood

drawn to test for "chemicals." The doctor drawing his blood asserted

that there is an "epidemic" of childhood disease -- including cancer --

all related to "chemicals." That assertion is totally false.

The good doctor had no idea what he was talking about. But he was

featured in prime time to convey his misinformation. He would probably

be shocked that an analysis of human blood for chemicals of natural

origin would inevitably find traces of many perfectly natural

chemicals, including arsenic, hydrogen cyanide, solanine, and more.

Our ability to detect traces of anything in anything has left us with

more data than we know what to do with. Again, the mere fact that you

can detect a chemical does not mean it poses a hazard of any type.

What scientist wants to subject him or herself to personal attack for

simply stating common sense and basic scientific facts? Easier to

retreat to the laboratory and classroom -- and leave center stage to

the "toxic terrorists" who want us to believe there is a carcinogen on

every plate, a toxin in every drop of water we drink, poison in every

bit of air we breathe. The threat of personal vilification has largely

silenced the scientific community -- and chilled the dialogue so that

only the bad news gets coverage.

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